
Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes and What Families Need to Know

Millions of adults find they must reside in a nursing home or long-term care facility as they can no longer live alone. In fact, up to 40 percent of individuals will spend time in one of these facilities at some point in their lives. Furthermore, this number is expected to grow in the coming years as the population ages. Sadly, many people in this situation end up being abused, often by a caretaker. What can a family do in this situation to protect their loved one and ensure he or she receives the care needed? Frekhtman & Associates can be of help during this difficult time. Types of Abuse Individuals often think of physical abuse when they consider elder abuse. However, abuse comes in many forms and may be harder to detect as a result. Sexual and psychological abuse do occur in these facilities and a person may find their finances aren't being handled properly. Neglect has been reported in many of these cases, and an overwhelming majority of residents in these facilities